Academy of Immortal Palm

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Now accepting new students!
Come in and try a lesson for free!


Welcome to our web site with a new look!

* Leung Sheung Superior Wing Chun,
* Chen style Tai Chi Chuan (Zun Gu),
* Bai Yuan Tongbei Chuan,
* Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan
* JiuJitsu/Chin Na/Shuai Chiao
* Fu Style Bagua Chang, Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I, and Liang Yi Chuan
* Qigong/Chi Kung Exercises for Health and Physical Cultivation, and
* Martial Arts Weapons and Training Tools

Please call 330-466-3355 or email if you are interested!

We are excited that you are visiting our web site. As a martial arts center, we are here to help our area learn and cultivate high-quality martial arts.

Our site will guide you through our  information about our prices and location. We hope you will find the information you are looking for about our academy.
Currently, our classes are available late on Monday and Wednesday evenings (7:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.).  Saturday morning classes  are 7:30 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.!  If you're interested contact Head Instructor Marty Yoder  for more information at:
or call/text:

We are located about 20 yards off of Spruce street on the east side, about one mile south of the square in Wooster


We are located at: 

854 Spruce Street 
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone: (330) 466-3355

Current Hours:
Monday and Wednesday Evenings 7:30 - 9:00pm & Saturday Mornings 7:30 - 9:00am


Styles Taught

* Leung Sheung's Classical Wing Chun as taught by Kenneth Chung and Jack Ling
* Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan as taught by Chen Quang Zhou
* Fu Style Ba Gua, Tai Chi Chuan, Liang I Chuan, and other internal martial arts, including weapons, as taught by Victor (Sheng Lung) Fu
* Tongbei Chuan
* Liang Style Bagua Chang
* Japanese Jiu Jitsu that incorporates Chinese joint locking and manipulation and Shuai Chiao (Chinese Wrestling/Throwing)
* Tongbei Chuan - "Through the back fist" training

Call or Text (330) 466-3355 ,or email:, for more information about classes or private lessons.